March 2015

March 21, 2015

I have ridden this route many times in the past, primarily when I was RBA for southern Utah and it was used on some of my events. Since then another RBA has stepped forward to organize events in Utah, Richard Stum from Salt Lake Randonneurs and he has resurrected the route. It’s early season in Utah and a perfect time for riding here in the south.



This is an event that I have been trying to attend for a couple of years now but there was always something that conflicted and denied me the opportunity. This year however seems to be a different story and I decided that good weather or bad, I am there! The resulting post is long winded and photo heavy, because well, I really liked this ride! 81-dalles-mountain-60   The route is a 60 mile jaunt around the upper Columbia River Gorge, about a third or more is on dirt roads. It is an annual event but one which has no entry fee and is totally unsupported. I generally like these kinds of “rogue” events and am always willing to take care of myself on a ride. I wish there were more events out there that just said “screw the regulations, let’s go ride!”




“A classic model for the tourist, a craftsman built frame in Reynolds 531 butted tubing with Prugnat lugs, Campagnolo forged dropouts, 72 degree angles and 41 inch wheelbase.
