L’Eroica Britannia

It is now two weeks since the event and I have to admit that I am still reflecting on my trip to L’Eroica Britannia. If I had any expectations about what to expect here (after attending L’Eroica Italia) they were totally shattered the first day. Although the two events share a name and a common theme they could not be more individual in character.

My registration kit and bag of goodies

My registration kit and bag of goodies


Continued from T-minus 0.3

Climbing out of Cromford took us up a little tree lined valley which was very enjoyable. The grade wasn’t as bad as I had expected and soon we were back up onto the moors and cruising between the stone walled fields. This section was perhaps the easiest of the whole route and I made good time over the moors.

This is my climb but it is not my photo

This is my climb but it is not my photo


Continued from  T-minus 0.2

High tea at Ilam Hall

High tea at Ilam Hall

Our next rest stop at Ilam Hall featured a unique variety of refreshment, high tea, which included scones with butter and jam and a cup of tea. The village of Ilam sits in a lush valley, which should have been my first clue that there was probably going to be a big climb coming soon. This one, like many of the others was steep in places but not steady. You could power through the short steeper sections and then back off a little on the rest of the climb. The grade probably exceeded 20% in some places but was mostly only about 10% for a mile or so. It would not be the hardest climb of the day; still, it was a climb that got my attention!


Continued from T-minus 0.1


Rest #2 at Derbyshire Bridge

At the head of the valley we started climbing up into the higher moors. It was a gentle climb but steady and at the top was our next control point, Derbyshire Bridge. After all the climbing we had done in the first 37 miles I was quite hungry. I probably ate more than my share here but I needed it. A coffee would have been good too but the line was a little too long. I settled for some water before moving on.



Well, the day is here! I ride from my hotel to the starting line in time for a 6:oo am start. The start is on a narrow alley in the old part of town. I get my card stamped by the officials and get in line. There seem to be about as many photographers and local dignitaries at the start as riders. I am among the first dozen riders or so and when we set off I am in the first wave.



Today my plan is to take a short morning ride and get back to my hotel early to get things organized. I started with the good intention of stretching my legs and honing my navigation skills on the local roads. I have to use the excuse of being distracted by the wonderful views of the Derbyshire (read that as Darbi-sheer) countryside so if I may have missed a turn or two it should be totally understandable. Oddly, I ended up on some of the same roads I was on yesterday only going in the opposite direction. So, I wasn’t really lost if I knew where I was, even if I didn’t know how I got there, right?



Today, Friday is my main preparation day for the event. The goals for today were first to get the put the bike together and checked out. Then get checked in for the event and go for a ride. Here is how the day went.

My hotel courtyard, bike ready to go.

My hotel courtyard, bike ready to go.


Here is a quick recap of my day, driving up to the event venue at Bakewell, U.K. the start venue for L’Eroica Britannia. A 2 1/2 hour drive to turned into a 6 hour ordeal when the M1 motorway was closed due to an accident. No marked detour, gridlocked traffic, local road construction, all on the wrong side of the road! A little good luck and GPS navigation saw me through and somehow I arrived in Bakewell about 4pm local time. When I arrived I took care of the following priorities, park the car, check in to the hotel, relieve thirst!


My preparations for the event are complete, the bike has been built, tested and proven on local roads. My gear has been assembled and packed and my travel plans have been made. Today I depart for the village of Bakewell in the Peak District of central England. Leaving Las Vegas will offer a stark contrast to the British Isles but I am looking forward to the change.

The bike that I am taking to this event is a 1962 Legnano Gran Premio.  It is mostly original and complete, with only a different crank set and some new tires to modify it. Older bikes like this often didn’t have enough of a low range in the gearing that my older legs seem to need these days.


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“The most handsome bike race in the world”

That’s how this new vintage cycling event to be held in England this summer is being described. L’Eroica Britannia is actually the second franchise of the original Italian event which was first held in 1997. Last year the event branched out from Italy to Japan with great success and this year the inaugural British version is being presented. Success seems almost guaranteed with the 2000 rider limit already being reached.


From the event website:

“Join us and make iconic British history. We present L’Eroica Britannia ‘the most handsome bike race in the World’ alongside a 3 day bike and style festival in the green, very pleasant and spectacular lands of the Peak District National Park, UK. Come to Bakewell the ‘ancient capital of the Peak’ in the heart of The Peak District National Park and join us on our Great British Adventure, 3 weeks before The Tour de France comes to the UK. Over the 3 days we’re celebrating a very British take on the values of  territory, sustainability and the joys of food and drink. The festival’s pinnacle is on the 22nd June with our ‘Great British Adventure’ as we embrace the romantic idea of  heroic cycling as it once was, placed alongside aspects of lifestyle, belonging and the British Countryside with a 3 route bike tour of The Peak District.”



These are cropped edits of the originals. Each picture file is a 6 to 8 mega-bite gif image. To download simply click on the picture and it will open in full size mode. You can then save the gif image in its full size 3000 x 4000 pixel format.  The original jpeg’s were 40 mega-bites and too large to manage easily.

6:00 am at the start in Bakewell

6:00 am at the start in Bakewell


Climbing to the summit of Mam Nick, early in the ride

Climbing to the summit of Mam Nick, early in the ride.


The second control at Derbyshire Bridge, pronounced Darby-shir

The second control at Derbyshire Bridge, pronounced Darby-shir



Climbing onto the moors.

Climbing onto the moors.


The Strada Bianca of Derbyshire.

The Strada Bianca of Derbyshire.


A long and spectacular descent off of the moors.

A long and spectacular descent off of the moors.


The third control at Hartington Village served sausage, pound cake and beer!

The third control at Hartington Village served sausage, pound cake and beer!


Some of the excellent singletrack on the route.

Some of the excellent single-track on the route.


Fast cruising on the Tissington Trail, an old railbed.

Fast cruising on the Tissington Trail, an old railbed.


Back onto the single-track!

Back onto the single-track!


Entering the 25 square mile estate of the Duke of Devonshire.

Entering the 25 square mile estate of the Duke of Devonshire.


The last control at Chatsworth House.

The last control at Chatsworth House.





